
As promised

It took a little bit longer than expected (exactly one year after the Dutch transfer) but at last, here it is: the ‘new’ English ArchiNed-site.

Like the Dutch version, the 'new' English ArchiNed-site is database driven. Thus it is easier to search within the site and much easier for us to add new articles in English.

The English ArchiNed-site contains translated news items. Not all articles are being translated however; see the Dutch section (click 'nederlandstalig' on the ArchiNed home-page) for a complete overview.

'Events' features announcements of lectures, exhibitions and manifestations in the Netherlands and abroad,

'Competitions' features announcements of new design competitions and results of old ones, and

'Media' announces new books and an overview of Dutch and foreign magazines. All these sections are bilingual.

The discussions held in 'Forum' will also be bilingual.

The 'search'-option (the magnifying glass below the ArchiNed logo) already works, but instructions have not yet been implemented.

The old website is still available at:


Although the English site is not completely ready, we want to give it a try. The coming weeks we will work hard to make it better. Suggestions and bugs can be reported by sending an email to news@archined.nl