The award ceremony of Archiprix International 2003 was scheduled for last year in Istanbul (Turkey). But a few architects of name cancelled their appointments for lectures due to the war in Iraq and so the organisation decided to relocate to Italy. The winners of the Archiprix International 2003 where therefor announced last Friday in Genoa (Italy).
For the second time, the first edition took place in 2001 in Rotterdam (The Netherlands), the best student graduation projects of schools of architecture all over the world were chosen. The schools themselves nominated their best graduation projects. This time 173 schools from 61 different countries participated. The jury members Dogan Hasol, Winka Dubbeldam, Pierre Gautier, Gerard Maccreanor and Nada Subotincic selected four winners and 15 honourable mentions.
Dealing with Vierhaven – Harm Timmermans; TU Eindhoven The Netherlands
HK/WD2/WWhub – Thomas Raynaud; Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture Paris France
Postagriculture – Achim Menges; AA London England
Wave Garden – Yusuke Obuchi; Princeton University Princeton United States
Hhonourable mentions:
Anytime / Anywhere – Mario Baez en Adrian Durán; Uruguay
Beat: Action, Activity and Architecture – Bret Thurston; New Zealand
Between past and present – Paolo Soellner; Italy
Cube, Rotebuehlplatz Stuttgart – Goetz Peter Feldmann; Germany
House of Literature, Prague – Frank Moeller; Germany
Infrastructure for the Grobnik Motordrome – Rujana Bergam; Croatia
Insecta – Hooi Weng Kong (Logan); New Zealand
Interstice – Mark Hash; United States
Kupla – bubble, Korkeasaari lookout tower – Ville Hara; Finland
Linear(c)ity – A city on the lines – Walter Nicolino and Paolo Pellegrino; Italy
Mise en scène – Florian Heinzelmann and Tobias Hofman; Germany
Plug and Play Building – Erick David Sun; Costa Rica
Programmatic Redevelopment System for Shanghai Lilongs – Susanne Lorentz; Germany
Sougawa Elementary School – William d Galloway; Canada
Westway Health Centre, London – Luke Pulham; England