Vanaf dit studiejaar is het Berlage Instituut verhuisd naar TU Delft en gaat het onder de naam The Berlage verder. Maar wat deden die studenten eigenlijk op dat Rotterdamse instituut? ArchiTV laat in vier korte presentaties de docenten en studenten aan het woord die samen een beeld geven van de laatste Berlage Studios oude stijl. In deze aflevering het tweede jaar met de studio’s Computation in Space’ en ‘Return to the Common’.
This second-year postgraduate research studio, led by Lieven De Cauter, Sandi Hilal, Alessandro Petti, and Eyal Weizman, explores the specific history and architectural problem of the occupation of Palestine. It focuses on the mechanisms of Israels spatial occupation of Palestine and its workings and impact on physical ground as a unique learning experience that is both specific and paradigmatic. This occupation is a very extreme form of urbanism: urbanism as colonization, domination, control, containment, and outright warfare. It uses a complex system of archipelagos and enclaves separated by bypass roads, walls, and checkpoints.
This second-year postgraduate research studio, led by Philippe Morel, is simultaneously devoted to the study of computationalism, through its most advanced developmentfinanceand in its least known, but nonetheless real, posturban and geographical architectural consequences (global urban planning based on network access times); and the study of our domestic environmentwhere domestic means above all immediate and does not recognize the traditional distinction between work and leisure and the private sphere and public space.