Anneke Bokern and Paul Vlok, will guide you through Buiksloterham, a brownfield site in transition in the north of Amsterdam. Archined Virtual Lunch Walk: join us live on Zoom.

Located on the north side of the IJ waterway, Buiksloterham used to be an area of industrial and port activity. Today it is undergoing a transformation with the construction of housing. The municipality wants to turn Buiksloterham into Amsterdam’s first ‘circular’ district, with closed circuits for waste and energy. Most new projects in the area are self-built or joint building ventures – among them the tallest wooden structure in the city and a neighbourhood of 30 floating houses.
Anneke Bokern and Paul Vlok (architour) take us on a virtual architecture and urban tour through Buiksloterham. We will visit a district in the making, where upmarket lofts and individually designed plots alternate with hardware stores and industrial sheds.
Archined Virtual Lunch Walk
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
welcome 12.00, start tour 12.15, ends 13.00
Sign up by sending an email to We’ll then send you a link and a password. Please sign up before noon on Wednesday 20 May.