
Ministry of Ethics. The Department of Ethical Design


The Persistence of Questioning

Kritische reflecties voor de toekomst, over architectuur en meer.

With the establishment of the Ministry of Ethics in 2021 all sectors of the government’s portfolio have been amended, introducing articles concerning the ethical questions regarding each field. Since the introduction of these amendments, any and all market activities and practices are therefore required by law to act with a certain minimum degree of ethical responsibility as quantified at the end of this document. This survey is designed to ensure that the represented firm is acting in accordance with the ethical laws stipulated by The Department of Ethical Design absorbed in the Building Code, 2012, Chapter 10: Ethical Building Regulations.

As such, this survey asks questions pertaining to the respective articles of the Building Code, listed below:
§ 10.1 Office Regulations and Conduct
§ 10.2 Tools and Equipment of Design
§ 10.3 Budget and Fees
§ 10.4 Client Relations
§ 10.5 Location Specifications
§ 10.6 Designing and Building
§ 10.7 Material Considerations
§ 10.8 Self-Assessment

Upon completion of this form please post it back to Hume Kade 75A, 1074 CL The Hague, The Netherlands, within a week of receiving it. Failure to do so will be understood as evasion of the law and shall be delt with accordingly. Read each question thoroughly and answer all questions relevant to the party honestly unless otherwise instructed. All grey fields are for the Ethics Officer to fill in and are for official use only.

Download the form here

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