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Greetings from… Bogotá
With a population of seven million people, Bogotá DC is the fourth largest city in South America and the capital of Colombia. The joys and nuisances of the country are present here in full force.
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With a population of seven million people, Bogotá DC is the fourth largest city in South America and the capital of Colombia. The joys and nuisances of the country are present here in full force.
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"Het proces van stadsontwikkeling wordt steeds opener, informeler, en interactiever. Bewoners en marktpartijen veranderen in deelnemers met een steeds grotere rol in het ontwerpproces."
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Tegen de achtergrond van de grote Team 10 tentoonstelling in het NAi gingen architecten op 15 december 2005 met elkaar in debat.