Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace


Art-in-Architecture competition—Humboldt Forum contemporary facade facing lustgarten.

Client: Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss / Awarding authority, competition coordination and management: Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR), Unit A 2 / Competition type: Open, single-phase anonymous Art-in-Architecture competition in German and English / Eligibility and selection procedure: Professional artists/artist groups (worldwide).

Competition task and art location
An Art-in-Architecture work is to be created for the northern gable side of the contemporary façade that visualises the programmatic aspirations of the Humboldt Forum and the stakeholders involved in it for a broad audience, marking the building as an open, diverse space.

Total project cost: Budget (incl. VAT): 120,000 EUR / Total prize money: 33,000 EUR.

Further details and the competition documents will be available for download here from January 28, 2025.

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