New European Bauhaus 2025
For the first time, the 2025 Prizes edition will have a special focus on housing: the NEB “Affordable Housing Prizes”. Four projects will be awarded for completed projects in the EU contributing to the EU’s efforts to improve housing affordability in line with the NEB values and principles.
The 2025 NEB Prizes will reward existing projects as well as concepts developed by young talents under four categories:
- Reconnecting with nature;
- Regaining a sense of belonging;
- Prioritising the places and people that need it the most;
- Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking.
In each of the four categories, two parallel competition strands are established:
- Strand A: “New European Bauhaus Champions” will be devoted to existing and completed projects with clear and positive results.
- Strand B: “New European Bauhaus Rising Stars” will be dedicated to concepts submitted by young talents aged 30 years old or younger. The concepts can be at different stages of development, from ideas with a clear plan to the prototype level.
The 2025 Prizes, supported by the Cohesion Policy, will be awarded to 22 winners and runners-up in total, who will receive a monetary prize up to €30,000, as well as a communication package to help them further develop and promote their projects and concepts.
Submit your project or idea now! The deadline is 14 February 2025 at 19:00 CET. To learn more about the eligibility criteria, consult the NEB Prizes 2025 guide for applications and visit the New European Bauhaus Prizes platform.